Science of beginning of human civilization.
I beg the reader to pay attention to the section "New", where I placed an article explaining - "The reasons why we live in such an Aggressive, constantly warring world", and the Nature, that is collapsing before our eyes.
On my site you will find an explanation of the Science, that existed at the beginning of human civilization in ancient Egypt. Science transmitted by the Atlanteans to the Egyptians, the level of which modern Science has not yet reached. And where the main achievements of ancient science were the "Magic of building the human body". Magic, allowing Man to talk directly with God, as with the Forces, that move our Universe, and make the human body act.
In our world there is only "One Doctor", who is never wrong - this is "God", acting in our body, as "World Forces", determining all the laws of Nature and the Inanimate world! He acts "Free" and "Always". And how God acts is worth understanding.
The video, that you see on the monitor screen is a "Practical session of Magic, where the Hands are controlled by the Subconscious"! And my Consciousness only observes this Movement. And all Scientific explanations and Methods of Magic are in the section - Egypt.
My discovery of the "Secret of the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt", as the Magic of the human body, occurred thanks to my scientific research of the "Sacred Scrolls of the Torah", when I knew nothing about ancient Egypt. And the discovery occurred thanks to the "Hebrew alphabet" and the "Tarot Card Drawings", that explain the alphabet. Where I correctly chose the drawing of the "Hanged Man" and began to do this Pose.
I proved, that "The Torah, as a scientific book of the Atlanteans", describes the "Processes of Action of the human cell"! And in my proof "All logical contradictions of the sacred text are resolved"! And where the most beautiful proof is the description of Mitochondria, in the book of Numbers. All my proofs are in the "Torah" section. And despite the fact, that
the "Scientific scrolls of the sacred Torah" left to us by the Atlanteans, which describe the "Miracle of Living Nature - the Cell". A miracle, that "Reproduces its Systemic structure" and therefore the Living world is capable of being Eternal! I am not sure, that there will be a reader, who will be interested in this.
The "Israel" section may be of interest to Jews of all countries.
The "India" section may be of interest to Philologists.
The "Sumer" section should be of interest to Mathematicians, because of the analysis of the 60-number system.
The "Other" section may be of interest to many people.
The topics of this site describe the "Scientific information" left to people by the Atlanteans through the manuscripts of ancient Egypt and Israel. The Atlanteans founded the Human civilization on the earth, having delivered to the planet the "Genetic Material". And were known to people - as the "Gods" of the ancient Epic of all nations.
Scientific understanding of the Sacred scrolls of the Torah, brings it down from the "Heaven of Fantasy" and lowers it into the "Real life of Nature and People". Where the scientific understanding of the "7 days of creation of the world" allows scientists to create a "General principle for all sections of Science"! And thus reduce the time of training of children and adolescents in the educational system.
The most difficult to understand things of the universe, become simple when they fit into a single Puzzle of Meaning, and this site is an attempt.
I hope the reader will find useful and interesting thoughts for himself on my site. But of course the most important thing for each Person in life is to "Understand himself"! And for this purpose I place a simple scientific explanation of "God" - who is inside each of the People! For reason, that each Person will find for himself personally - "The Path of Self-Education of the Personality", which was left by the Atlanteans.
Simple explanation of the Gods of the scientific Torah.
In the scientific scrolls of the Torah of Atlantis, 2 active gods are described in Man, and this is the god Elohim and the god Jehovah, which are inseparable. Explaining "the meaning of these gods is very difficult". And it is clear, that a simple explanation cannot describe all aspects of these "Concepts".
God Elohim – it is "World forces of three inseparable Energies":
Energy of Gravity – it is Force of Compression and Preservation of the structure of Objects.
Energy of Time – it is Force of Stretching, that creates the "Space of action of the structure of Objects". Acts in balance against the Compression Force.
Electromagnetic Energy - Paired Force, that fills the Space of the structure of Objects, and is capable of Interaction!
However, we do not see or feel any of these Energies!
These Energies permeate the entire Universe, and create "Eternal Movement of the Balance of all Objects in the Universe"! We see "Objects of the Universe" as "Stars - Suns", having their own planets, and acting for eternity after eternity!
Jehovah God it is the "Electromagnetic Forces" operating in all Living Organisms of nature, as "Code Information of the development of an organism through the birth of cells". The development of a person's Electromagnetic Code System determines - "Development of his Thinking System"! But even the development of the Thinking System Man", does not give him the opportunity to understand the principle of operation of the Three of the higher forces of the Universe". And therefore the understanding of the "God of the Universe" remained at the level of "Fantasies of Faith".
Only "Practical Magic of the organism", that left to people by the Atlanteans, allows you directly feel the "Stretching and Compression Forces of the whole organism", which are regulated by electrical forces of the body. And this process can be called: "Communication with God Elohim", when a person becomes a Personality!
The simplest explanation for any complex concepts in our life, this is a drawing. But how to draw the World forces inside our body, and how to depict Information Codes?
I decided to depict both Gods, as is customary in science – as understandable Symbols.
The proof, that the drawn model is the Reality of our life, is the scientific understanding of drawing of Atlanteans - "Goddess of the Sky
Nut". Where is the main character is the "God of Time Atum", who created himself and the universe. And in the Torah, the Egyptian god of Time Atum is called Elohim.
As the author of this site, I have no illusions about the mass teaching of "Wisdom" by people in the understanding of "Building the world
around us", which I drew in my scientific articles on the site. The reason is, that in order to truly understand "The wisdom of building our
World", one must first understand "Oneself"! And for this you need to learn "The Magic of the Human Body", and It is not simple! In other
words, “To understand the world around us", a person can only understand from within himself". And then, "the Wisdom of the Ancients
manuscripts of the Atlanteans of Egypt and Israel" will be books open to you.
Yacov Ioffe.