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Science of THE  beginning of human civilization

Science of THE beginning of human civilization

Reviving the ancient manuscripts of Atlantes Really learning to talk With God of universe.

Science of beginning of human civilization. 


     The best method of healing the human body in the world! Practical path:  The basis of the body’s health is the body’s energy system. The human body's energy system is controlled by Subconscious! Your Consciousness does not have access to the Subconscious. Therefore, Yoga, Meditation, Exercises and other activities, influence the Subconscious mind indirectly.
     The secret of a person's access to his Subconscious, transmitted by Atlanteans to Pharaohs of Egypt. The organs, that have access to
the Subconscious are Human hands. But for this access to the Subconscious to be realized practically. We need to train our Hands to talk
to the Energy
System of the body! This is the secret Pose of the Magic of the Pharaohs, in which palms of the Hands are placed in the area
of the Lower Spine.
      Do not forget! All processes of the human body go very slowly! Therefore, the main thing in the process of Hand Training is Patience!      After training Hands: Hands will move Automatically, according to signals from the Subconscious, and Balance all systems of the body until full balance. A complete balance of body systems is Health! To turn to the Subconscious, it is enough to place trained Hands in the genital area, and they will begin to act!  
      Explanation of the "Magic Session" video on the main page:
The video, that you see on the monitor screen is an illustration for the book - The best healing method the body of person in the world!
book is on the site in the section "Egypt", and it is the best "practical guide to achieving health".  
   In our world there is only "One Physician", who never makes mistakes – this is "God", acting in our body, as "World Forces". It operates "Free" and "Always". And if you taught "Your Hands to Talk to the Energy System of organism", according to the Atlanteans system of ancient Egypt, then: You have a chance be "Healthy and happy" all your life, delivering Water and Food to the body in sufficient quantities, and without destroying the body with Recklessness. Remember, that must be a Soul Relationship with "Your Inner God"! And your gratitude he must feel every day!
   It so happened that I, as the creator of the site "The Science of the Beginnings of Human Civilization", can be compared with Heinrich
Schliemann 21st century, which proved, that Homer's Odyssey is a description Realities.  Like Schliemann, I did not believe the fantasies of modern Egyptologists about the culture of ancient Egypt. 
     I was able to prove, that the "Book of the Dead" of ancient Egypt is the scientific information of the Atlanteans, describing the "Practical Magic Energy system of man", which I use to promote health, and as a daily conversation with the God of the Universe
     And since I began my research from the "Holy Scrolls of the Torah", then first I proved, that "Torah is like a scientific book of Atlantis",
describes the "Processes of Action of the human cell"!
And in my proof "All logical contradictions of the sacred text are resolved"! And where
the most beautiful proof is description of Mitochondria in the
book of Numbers.

         The topics on this site describe the "Scientific Information" left by the Atlanteans through the manuscripts of ancient Egypt and Israel.
The Atlanteans founded the Human civilization on earth, delivering the "Genetic Material" to the planet. And they were known to people - as the "Gods" of the ancient Epic among all peoples.
     The topics discussed on the site are so global, that they concern all people of the planet, since discuss the shortcomings of Science, Religion, Ecology, Climate, Overpopulation and Society - State.  And at the same time, each Person will find for himself personally - "The way of Self-education of the Personality", which was left by the Atlanteans. 
     The main theme of this site is "Scientific Scrolls of the Holy Torah", left to us by the Atlanteans, who describe the "Miracle of Living Nature - the Cell". A miracle, that "Reproduces its Systemic structure" and therefore the world of the Living is capable of being Eternal!
    Some of articles about Egyptian Magic on this site, will help you understand and feel "Music of the Universal Forces", operating within our body. Mastering Magic will help you not only improve the body, but also understand more deeply our World and the meaning of our life. They will help you to feel like a "Divine Human".
     The scientific understanding of the Sacred Torah scrolls, as it were, brings it down from the "Heaven Fantasy" and lowers it into the "Real life of Nature and People". Therefore, people who do not believe in the existence of God, this will help him "Understand and really make sure of his Existence". For believers, "Scientific understanding of the Torah scrolls" will help "See real actions of God", and this will destroy Religious Fanaticism. And all the people of Israel will be able to unite around the "Sacred Torah Scrolls" as people's roads to "Perfection".
    The most difficult things in understanding of the Universe become Simple, when they fit into a single Puzzle of Meaning, and this site is an attempt.
   Dear Reader. This site appeared thanks to two articles: “Torah – Scientific Book” and “Systematic construction of the Hebrew language”. Work on articles gave me the “Scientific weapon of Thought”, and at the same time “New vision of the science of the ancient world”.
   The unique system of "7 days of creation of the world", which is humanity received from another solar system in antiquity, is the Only model building our world. Therefore, this model allows us to create a "Single scientific description for all branches of modern science"! Which, in turn, allows reducing the time learning of younger generation for many years!
     The Scientific goal of my website is to put as much material as possible about the “Science of the Beginning of Human Civilization”. Only this ancient science, transmitted to people, which is the experience of billions of years human existence in other solar systems, can save our planet from the stupidity of people. And therefore I will put here my “most important short  articles” or “excerpts from long scientific articles” in order to get the “General picture of ancient science”.

     I hope the reader will find useful and interesting thoughts on site.  But of course the most important thing for every Person in life - this is "Understand yourself"! And for this purpose I put, a simple scientific explanation of "God" - which is inside each of the People!

                     Simple explanation of the Gods of the scientific Torah.

      In the scientific scrolls of the Torah of Atlantis, 2 active gods are described in Man, and this is the god Elohim and the god Jehovah, which are inseparable. Explaining "the meaning of these gods is very difficult".  And it is clear, that a simple explanation cannot describe all aspects of these "Concepts".
     God Elohim – it is "World forces of three inseparable Energies":
Energy of Gravity – it is Force of Compression and Preservation of the structure of Objects.
Energy of Time – it is Force of Stretching, that creates the "Space of action of the structure of Objects". Acts in balance against the Compression Force.
Electromagnetic Energy -  Paired Force, that fills the Space of the structure of Objects, and is capable of Interaction!
     However, we do not see or feel any of these Energies!
    These Energies permeate the entire Universe, and create "Eternal Movement of the Balance of all Objects in the Universe"! We see "Objects of the Universe" as "Stars - Suns", having their own planets, and acting for eternity after eternity!
    Jehovah God it is the "Electromagnetic Forces" operating in all Living Organisms of nature, as "Code Information of the development of an organism through the birth of cells". The development of a person's Electromagnetic Code System determines - "Development of his Thinking System"! But even the development of the Thinking System Man", does not give him the opportunity to understand the principle of operation of the Three of the higher forces of the Universe". And therefore the understanding of the "God of the Universe" remained at the level of "Fantasies of Faith".
     Only "Practical Magic of the organism", that left to people by the Atlanteans, allows you directly feel the "Stretching and Compression Forces of the whole organism", which are regulated by electrical forces of the body. And this process can be called: "Communication with God Elohim", when a person becomes a Personality!

     The simplest explanation for any complex concepts in our life, this is a drawing. But how to draw the World forces inside our body, and how to depict Information Codes?
     I decided to depict both Gods, as is customary in science – as understandable Symbols.  




     The proof, that the drawn model is the Reality of our life, is the scientific understanding of drawing of Atlanteans - "Goddess of the Sky
Nut". Where is
the main character is the "God of Time Atum", who created himself and the universe. And in the Torah, the Egyptian god of Time Atum is called Elohim.

       As the author of this site, I have no illusions about the mass teaching of "Wisdom" by people in the understanding of "Building the world
around us", which I drew in my scientific articles on the site. The reason is, that in order to truly understand "The wisdom of building our
World", one must first
understand "Oneself"! And for this you need to learn "The Magic of the Human Body", and It is not simple! In other
words, “To understand the world  
around us", a person can only understand from within himself". And then, "the Wisdom of the Ancients
manuscripts of the Atlanteans of Egypt and
Israel" will be books open to you.

               Yacov Ioffe.