Yacov Ioffe

Cards Taro & Numbers

Particularly interesting consider here in this book information arriving before us, as information from distant past, in the manner of "Cards Tarot ". To my great regret I has openned for itself cards Tarot,  when my work of “Hebrew language and 7 day of creation of the world”, already was completely written. But cards could be shorten me way to finish.    

Since Tarot cards are the “pictorial and systemic meaning for the letters of the Hebrew alphabet”. And also “Pictorial and systemic sense for Digits decimal number 

Value of cards Tarot in that, that they carry in itself whole "Plot", and their "Symbolism"more rich sense, than any hieroglyphic drawing of letters any ancient Language, i.e. in them there is serious information for cogitation. The Cards Tarot give us more demonstrative possibility, than Egyptian Hieroglyphics, unite "As Whole" Knowledge, existed in ancient Egypt, and Hebrew Language System, which link with the modern Scientific Knowledge. They unite the past Egypt ana Jews culture.

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