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General view on the history of the Language, Writing and Torah.

     Man, as can understand from his complex construction, and his 15 thousand years active history, emerged from the Cosmos, already formed a being.

And naturally, he could speak, and therefore the first languages ​​existed immediately with the appearance of man. And the basis of each human language is "Perception of a person around the world." And the perception of the world by man is "Trinity", because a person sees only the external parts of the system /creatures or objects/. And systems have in their composition "7 parts", from which 4 we do not see.

    Therefore, any human language is built in such a way, that the "Meaning action of the world, as an infinite set of systems" wasn’t lost. It means, that the structure of the language corresponded to the action of the Real infinite world around us. But human language can not be infinite. Because, the average person's vocabulary does not exceed 2000 words. Languages, this is not an invention of man, although man is able to come up with a "new word". A human speech apparatus, was originally designed so, that it can reproduce a large number of sounds in a convenient alternation.