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My path to a scientific understanding of God and the scientific nature of the Torah.

After I has finished course of Hebrew "See and listen”, I became to search for group for deepened Hebrew study and certainly such group was sewn on. This group led the Leonid Zeliger. Zeliger was young person about 30 years and language knew simply brilliantly. To moment of our acquaintance He already has published his Hebrew grammatical in Russian language. It was printed somewhere in the west and spread in Russia enough broadly, since was written in considerable detail and with large number of examples well. Strictly with acquaintances with Zeliger, I began the new stage in my life, stage when I already did not sail adrift by “Standard Thoughts using everywhere, but became to comprehend the main notions of our life, universe and Judaism. Possible to say, that through Hebrew language I came to new understanding the world, to which costs be joined, if certainly this in principle possible.