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Book of Deuteronomy.


              Abridged content of the book of Deuteronomy.

       Text on the 40 years of the Traveling of the sons of Israel - Importance "The Final Phases in the Action of the Cell".
       Text on Hierarchy and Judgment - Importance of Absolute Order in state, and the absolute equality of all before the law.
       Text about Kalev son of Yefune - All different cells of the body have "The same supply of blood", and only the blood of Mother and
 Is different".
       Bypassing Mount Seir, bypassing Moav and the rivers Zered and Arnon – Revisited description of the interaction of the Nucleus and
                    Mitochondria, and the Energy of ATP.
       Paragraph: Hear Israel the statutes and laws. Protect Your Soul! - The "Soul of Man" is the "Reality" associated with all body and heart.
      Text: Fear God / Fear breaking laws / - "Fear of breaking laws, the only way to save Societies of Equality, Order and Peace". The absence
 fear - brings the villains to power.
       Text: Take care of your souls - "The soul of a man", this is the part an organism that has a "personal union with God"!
       This is the teaching that Moses offered to the sons of Israel - Text 10 commandments and repetition of the texts of Leviticus.
       Listen to Israel.. Love Jehovah Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.. And bind them as a sign on
 hand, and they will be a sign between the Eyes – Practices for everyday conversation with God!
        Text: And do a just and good deed in the sight of Jehovah Elohim - "A person must Preserve and Improve waste-free system of nature".
        For the people / Israel / you are holy to Jehovah Elohim - the Goal of the people Israel to convey "Virtue" / as an understanding of the
 Jehovah Elohim / "for" all the nations of the earth!
        Hear Israel... Know now that Jehovah Elohim comes before you like a consuming fire. - "Catastrophe", which led the people to the
                  disappearance of the state!
        Text: Carve out for yourself two Tablets of stone, as the first .. - "Tablets of stone" are "Unchangeable DNA Programs", located inside
                   the "Ark - Core".
        For the Lord your God, he is the God of Gods and the Lord of lords.. faceless and does not take bribes - Sermon on behalf of Moshe,
"Religious Propaganda".
        For the land you are entering is not like the land of Egypt -  "All phases of the action of the Cell", supplying the nucleus with "Water"
 through the "Shell" of the cell!
       Text: Look, I offer you now "Blessing and Curse": - Mounts Gerizim and Eival. There is no information for Analysis.
        If a prophet or clairvoyant arises among you - Religious leaders decided the issue radically - "Kill".
        Don't eat anything disgusting. – Task "Jehovah" in a cell – Manage the process of "Sorting" the movement of Nutrients entering the cell.
       By the end of the 7th year, do Shemita / Forgiveness of debt /. – law 7 years Shemita is really important for the Lands used for
       Set up judges and overseers in all your gates. – "Necessity of Order and Truth", which for the Cell absolute.
       And you will say: I will set a King over me, like all peoples - Country sons of Israel - "There is no king"! The sons of Israel in full obey
                  Jehovah! Because the text describes the "Design of the Cell", not human society. Therefore, added only to the book Deuteronomy!
        And this is what should be due to the priests from the people. -  "Real Jerusalem Temple" is a "Simplified Model of Cell", necessary
                  for the "Spiritual Union of the People"! And this is a monument - to the "Source of life of all Nature" for everything Humanity, on
 of the Atlanteans!
        But the prophet who dares to speak My / Moshe / name -  "Better not to rely on the prophets"! Better hope for "Jehovah Elohim", which
                   operates in our cells and in the body.
         And here is the law for the murderer .. Do not move the boundaries of your neighbor .. – All this set of laws for "Human Society Equality
                  and Truth", taken mainly from the legislation King Hamurabi, "Slave Babylon".
         And commanded Moshe and the elders of Israel to the people - At the Cell - the "New Cycle of Life" begins! On Mount Eival Ribosomes
                  must place the Stones and write on them "All the words of the Law." This is the installation by the Ribosomes of all the DNA
                  programs of
 the cell.
         And Moses commanded the people that day .. on Mount Gerizim, when cross the Yarden: Shimon, Levi, and Yehuda, and Issachar, and
            Joseph, and Benjamin .. on Mount Ebal: Reuben, Gad and Asher, and Zevulun, Dan and Naftali .. And all the people will say Amen." -
                  The verb "Curse" fully describes the "Process of Cell Division Movement". And that's why it was for the "Curses" - Atlanta inserted
                  additional "action-enhancing words" like "Amen" having the linguistic meaning "So be it"!
         These are the words of the covenant that Jehovah commanded Moshe... for Jehovah Elohim to ours, and the Revealed to us and our 
 forever, to keep all the words of this law. - "Start work of the new Cell", which begins with "New Jehovah", and the "New
                    Recoding by the
 Ribos", so the Polis Ribos lined up in "Specific Order". Man is helpless before Jehovah Elohim! Man sees no
                    signs the presence of
 God, does not see, hear or feel God with all his senses. And most importantly, a person does not know
                    how turn to God!
         And it will be when all these words come true on you, blessing and the curse that I put on you, then take it to your heart - "Information
                    stored in the DNA chains of the cell", despite her "incredible size" is not a "miracle".
         And Moses went and spoke these words to all Israel, and said to them: I am now 120 years old - "The full cycle of cell action is:
                    430 +
 120 = 550 years / RNA cell cycles /. "On a certain day Sukkot", in "A Certain Place, which determines Jehovah Elohim, by
 Presence", must "Assemble all Ribosomes to see the face of Jehovah Elohim" to start "Reading Information from the chain
                    New RNA!
          And Jehovah said to Moses, Behold, your days have drawn near to death. Call on Yehoshua and Stand in the Tent of Revelation - The
                   Process replacing Moshe with Yehoshua transfer RNA in a new Cell". The replacement process takes place in the "Tent of
                   Revelation", where "Jehovah dwells", in the form of a "Pillar of Cloud at the entrance of the tent".
          So write this song for yourself, and teach it to the children of Israel, put It into their mouth. And Moses spoke in the hearing of all the
             congregation of Israel the words this song to the end. - Encrypted by Atlantis Information in the form of a "Matrix with Spaces in the
                   Middle", as the information in the future of humanity!
         This is the blessing with which Moshe, the man of God, blessed, the sons of Israel before their death ... Moses commanded us the law,
             legacy to Jacob's society. And there was a king in Jeshurun, when the heads of the people gathered together with the tribes of Israel.
 These words of Blessings to Moshe of all 12 tribes of Israel, are an extended description of the "Destination 12 Systems
                   human in the body!
          There is no God like Ishurun, who rides through the Heavens with the help of yours and clouds at its height. - "Ishurun" is "Oxygen
                   protective layer of the Nature of the earth from Cosmic radiations and overly active sun.
          And Moses ascended from the plains of Moav to Mount Nebo. His sight, and the freshness / sputum / of his was not exhausted
120 years Moshe's life is "The limit of the life of any Man". Two Atlantes medical criterions for assessing human health:
                     "In the eyes" and
 "In the sputum."

                The final words of the author, after deciphering 5 books of the sacred script of Torah!