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Concrete scientific meaning parts of text Exodus. 1.

                   Reviving the ancient manuscript of Atlantis.

       List of sons of Israel – new Order priorities of systems organism.
      Paro actions for "Balance between Ribosomes wokers and between cells of EPR", were Ribosomes sit and work.
      Pitom and Raamses – Sities for excess of Ribosomes.
      Moshe Levit's Story - the Structure of the Floating Ribosome.
      Moshe - Attempt to fight for justice - escape.
      Atlantean Patent - Justice in Society - "Free society from Aggressive people - Villains "!
      Cry of sons of Israel to Elohim - Ribosomes inform the Elohim, that their "EPR work" is over!  Beginning of a new Phase of the Cell. 

      And these are the names of sons of Israel, who went into Egypt: they went in with Yacov, each with his house. Reuven, Shimon, Levi and Yehuda: Issachar, Zvulun and Benjamin: Dan and Naftali, Gad and Asher. And there were all the souls, that descended from the loins of Yacov, seventy souls, and Joseph was in Egypt. And Joseph and all his brothers and all that generation died: But the sons of Israel multiplied and multiplied, and grew and became exceedingly strong, and that land was filled with them.