Concrete scientific meaning parts of text Exodus. 4.
Reviving the ancient manuscript of Atlantis.
11 miracles - punishments Jehovah of Egypt - EPR.
Crocodile - Beginning of the Ribos and EPR Preparation Cycle for Birth new Cell.
Blood - Combining Ribosomes into one common Polisome.
Frogs - The ability of Ribos to work with Codes.
Lice - Ribosomes carry out the growth of the Living World from the Inanimate world.
Arov - Building the Border between Ribosomes and EPR.
Ulcer - Immobilization of EPR elements.
Ash - Coating the inner surface of the EPR with a layer of elements.
Hail - Division of EPR and Ribos into two Cycles with the participation of 2 gods Jehovah and Elohim.
Locust - Covering the internal volume with new code elements.
Darkness - Complete absence of Movement for EPR and Ribos.
Firstborns - Complete rupture of communication between EPR and Ribosomes.
Holyday Pesach - Autonomy and Order of Ribos at their "Boundary transition from EPR".
And Jehovah said to Moses: Look, I have appointed you Elohim for Paro. And your brother Aharon will be your prophet! You will say everything, that I will command you, and your brother Aharon will speak to Paro to send sons of Israel out of his land.