Yacov Ioffe

Concrete scientific meaning parts of text Exodus. 5.

                   Reviving the ancient manuscript of Atlantis.

        Redescription - "The Birth of Polysome Ribos", to create new cell.  Ramses - Sukkot / 600000 /.
       2 stages of action Ribosomes of the cell: Old Cell - 430 stages in the EPR. Passover holiday. 
       Pair: "Jehovah - Sons of Israel" - Description of the device of Ribosome and the structure of Jehovah, as Inseparable couple, Eternal
            action of generations. 
       Ribosome Elements: "Hand and Forehead" - Energy Link Elements with God: where historically by Jews appeared "Tefillin", and by
           Ancient Egyptians existed "Magic of Organism"!!!
       Movement "Polysomes Ribos" with "Jehovah - PHA" into Protoplasm cell to the Shell, to the point of separation with the Egyptians.
       Separation process of "Polysome of Ribosomes and EPR Remains", and recycling of EPR residues.
       Hymn Jehovah - A new stage in the Ribosome management process.

       And Moses called all the elders of Israel, and said to them: Bring out and take your flocks for your families and slaughter the Passover. And take a bunch of ezov and dip it in the blood, that is in the vessel, and apply the blood in the vessel to the lintel and both jambs. And you do not go outside the door of your house until the morning. And Jehovah will go to defeat the Egyptians, and he will see blood on the lintel and on both doorposts, and he will pass by the door, and will not allow the destroyer to enter your houses to defeat. Keep this, as a law for yourself and for your sons forever.