Concrete scientific meaning parts of text the Genesis. 4
Reviving the ancient manuscript of Atlantis.
Chapter 4.
Abram, Saray, Lot. - The beginning of development he structure of the Core.
War of the Kings. - Suppliers of nutrients for Avram, Saray Lot.
Ishmael - Hagar. - The birth of controlled "Passages through nucleus membrane of Cell".
And Jehovah said to Abram, go out of your land of birth and home father, to the land, which I will show you. And I will make you a big people and I will bless you, and I will magnify your name, and you will be blessed. And I bless those who bless you, but I curse those who curse you ??? And all the families of the earth bless you. And Abram gone as Jehovah spoke to him. And Lot walked with him. And Abram was 75 years, when leaving Haran. And Abram took Sarai the wife and Lot his brother’s son and all the Property, that they acquired and the Souls, that they made ??? in Haran. And they went out to go into the land of Canaan. And they came to Canaan. And Abram moved across the earth to the place of Shem to Alon More, and Canaanies then on earth.