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Concrete scientific meaning parts of text the Genesis. 5


              Reviving the ancient manuscript of Atlantis. 

                      Chapter 5.  

       Abraham - Jehovah. Law of circumcision - "Standard Length and Code" chains of Information and Proteins. 
The birth of Itzhak at Sarah - The birth of the "Connecting part of the nucleolus system". 
 Discussion between Abraham and Jehovah of the destruction of Sodom and Amora - "Existence of Law and Justice?" 
System - "Own - Alien".  The Righteous are Abraham -  tested Code Structures. Sinners – Structures, that have not passed Code control.

    And Abram was 99 years old. And Jehovah saw Abram and said to him, I am God Shaddai, walk before me and be blameless ??? / naive /. And I will give you the union between you and me, and I will multiply you very much. And Abram fell on face, and Elohim spoke to him and said: I am here my union with you, you will be the father of many nations. And you will no longer be called Abram, but your name will be Abraham, because I will make you the father of many nations.