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Concrete scientific meaning parts of text the Genesis. 6

         Reviving the ancient manuscript of Atlantis.

                       Chapter 6.    

     Sdom - Lot.  Nutrient Control of the Nucleus. Protoplasm processes Cell nuclei. 
     Abraham –  Abimelech. The two main structures of the Core. Abraham - the nucleolus as a "Processor for processing Gene  information       Jehovah". 
     Abimelech, as the "Shell of the Core", acts from the outside.    

    And two angels came in the evening to Sodom, and Lot sat at the gate of Sodom. And Lot saw and stood up to meet them and bowed down to the earth. And he said: Please gentlemen, come in the house your servant and wash your legs. And sleep and go in the morning ..... no, we will spend the night on the street. And he begged them .... and they ate. Before the people lay down, the inhabitants of the city of Sodom came and surrounded the house from a boy to an old man, and all the people from edge to edge: And they called Lot and told him; what people come to you for the night, bring them out, and we will know them; And Lot went out to them to the door, and closed the door behind him: And said: my brothers, do not make worse: