Concrete scientific meaning parts of text the Genesis. 7
Reviving the ancient manuscript of Atlantis.
Chapter 7.
The birth of Yitzhak - The beginning of the construction of the Connecting part system of the nucleus.
And guide Jehovah Sarah, when he said, Jehovah did Sarah like he said: And Sarah became pregnant and gave birth to Abraham, the son of his old age, in time which Elohim spoke: And Abraham called the name of his son, whom Sarah gave birth to him, Isaac: And Abraham circumcised Isaac his son, after 8 days, as Elohim commanded him: And Abraham was 100 years old at the birth of Isaac, his son: And Sarah said, made a laugh at me Elohim, everyone who hears will laugh at me: And she said, who said the word to Abraham, that the sons suck Sarah because I gave birth the son of his old age: And a child grew up, and was weaned, and Abraham made a great feast on the day of circumcision of Isaac: And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian woman, who bore Abraham, that laughs; And she said to Abraham - Drive out this mother and her son, because he will not inherit with my son Isaac: And it was very unfortunate for Abraham, because of his son: And the Elohim said to Abraham not be upset for the sake of the lad and the slave of yours: All that Sarah tells you obey her voice, for in Isaac your seed will be called; But I’ll also produce people from the son of she slave seed, which yours: