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General scientific meaning of the text of the Pentateuch. 1


         Reviving the ancient manuscript of Atlantis. 

                      Chapter 1.

     As I understand it, the Language and the general division of the text of the Pentateuch was laid down by the compilers of the text - the Atlanteans, created on the planet another solar system, the place of the outcome of the genes of all mankind. Where the main Information Descriptive Elements are "Names of the characters" in the text. Moreover, in the "Names" you can see "One Source of Scientific Books" of Ancient Egypt and Israel. Because these ancient scrolls describe the "Code structures", that are and Cells, and Systems of the human body. And it is known from history, that the Pharaohs took their choice of their Name seriously, associating them with the Gods.

     The text of the Pentateuch describes: the entire "System of Nature" and "Development of Man at the Cellular Level", and its name means "Teaching". Therefore, the content of the Pentateuch should be understood as: "Textbook of the biology of the development of life" in the universe, using the example of "Human cell". This textbook was given to people by Atlanteans and therefore of unearthly origin.