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The linguistic algorithm, for scientific understanding meaning of the Pentateuch.

              Reviving the ancient manuscript of Atlantis.


    All Nature, consisting of millions of different living Systems - organisms, is so complex in its ability to "Synthesize their Copies", which seems to us Magic.  Millions of scientists, study the cells of Nature since the invention of the Galileo microscope in 1603. And finally, in the 20th century, realizing only the “principle of transfer of the genetic information of organisms”, scientists immediately decided, that they have the right to "Change the closed and waste-free system of Nature"! Gentlemen scientists! Create your own "Artificial cell" and change what you want in it. But do not touch the Nature, which you did not create!

    For the average reader, who simply wants to understand the general Sence of scientific content of Torah. I tagged the entire text of the conclusions and comments from each paragraph "Blue color". And this blue text will not be read less interesting, as a detective novel of our life mystery. And this reading can inspire in readers the desire to "Learn Hebrew language", as language of the entire universe, transmitted by the Atlanteans.

    At the same time, a single "Person" can not understand "Full text depth". Therefore, it is necessary to study the text of the Torah scientifically "by all nations together", and not only by the Jewish people it's just a duty!

    So all my evidence is interesting only to those people, which "They themselves want to explore the sacred text", and offer their version of the meaning of the text. And I really welcome this!