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The third day of creation, as the main for understanding Roles of man in Nature.

    The ancient scientific Egyptian civilization left for us the main Ideas concerning all mankind.

    "The Sacred Scrolls of the Torah" is the "Scientific Book", but they appeared in such a deep antiquity, when Science was primitive. So "Holy Torah Scrolls" spread around the world, as a religious law, and became ideology. Finding in the scrolls the record "Be fruitful and multiply", the heads of religious communities called for this, and many people really tried to increase the number of children in families, even very much poor. So, till now don’t exist law, regulating the number of children in the family.

     In fact, the Torah is a book about the structure of the "Human Cell", which is really allowed in the body to multiply freely, because "The organism itself balances and limits the number of cells in it". The organism itself destroys superfluous, mostly non-working, weak cells. Therefore, even strenuously eating, we do not grow like trees up to 30 meters.