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The Torah is the Scientific Book.

The "Computer" model and "7 days of the creation of the world" are the key to understanding the construction of Nature and Man.

                  Stupidity is simple and visible, but Mind waggles and hides! F.M. Dostoevsky.

Reader! If you will understand the System principle acting of our Nature, and its modern analogy the Computer on its "general Model", then you get the "Weapon of Reason" of extraordinary strength for science investigations. Because, on this "System Principle" act everything, that exists in our nature and in man, including "Spoken languages", representing the world’s construction.

In the 1960s. The great mathematician Norbert Wiener, made a discovery, that allowed engineers to create the wonder of the modern world - the Computer. Why are modern "Intelligent Technologies" possible? Because, Norbert Wiener discovered "Reasonable Feedback", which allows turn all systems into a "Circular" steady action, with complex external conditions. Engineers have put in the computer "Intelligent programs", which turn it into an automaton capable of doing very difficult work. However, without the "Reasonavle Feedback", the Automaton remains an Automaton and can not be adjusted to the External Conditions. Feedback is "Feelings and Information" about "Outer World", which are communicated to
the Automaton. Our computer is unusually smart, because "Man, as Feedback", directs his actions. Without a human intelligent directions, computer is a useless design.