Concrete scientific meaning parts of text Leviticus. 2.
Reviving the ancient manuscript of Atlantis.
Food for Aharon and His Sons - "Advancement code chains, coming from Ribosomes".
The word "Teaching" - a hint at the texts of the general understanding of the world. Torah - "The Key to understanding the World"!
Personal offerings by the sons of Israel - "Sons of Israel - Ribosooms"- Major performers in Cell-Building.
Aharon's Anointing - Description of the 5 Inseparable Cell Builders, having a "Common work space at the Entrance tent Revelation ".
7 days and nights at the "Entrance of the Tent of Revelation" Aharon with his sons - Period of replacing the New Informational RNA -
Demonstration of the new Informational RNA - Jehovah to the sons of Israel! - Updating the "Ribosomal RNA of Aharon" with
simultaneous Update of the "Polysome of Ribos". Start of construction new cell organelle.
Food for Aharon and Sons - Description of Participants and Process the main place of the "Holy of Holies" cell.
Food for the sons of Israel - Description of Management by "Numeric Code 4", Jehovah's Submitters, and "Separate". Building elements
of the cell, passing through the "Altar and the Entrance of the Tent of Revelation". And Building elements of the cell, formed in others
locations of the cell!
The birth of a Boy or a Girl - Added to the text!
Leprosy - Special parameters of Ribosomes, that require action Priests from outside Polisome.
The next 6 paragraphs deal with the laws for Aharon and his sons, like priests. A survey of the text of these paragraphs says us: That in 5 paragraphs of these rules, there is nothing new about the offerings said, but the question is necessarily discussed, "What can eat priests"!