Concrete scientific meaning parts of text Numbers. 1.
Book Numbers.
Concrete scientific meaning parts of text Numbers. 1.
Reviving the ancient manuscript of Atlantis.
The numeration of sons of Israel - "Polis Ribos", Cell and Organism, divided into 12 parts, both by Volume and Action! At each of the 12
"Systems of the body", its Cells, DNA of the Core and Ribosomes has its own "Internal Code"! In a Specific Cell, only works "One kind
of Ribosomes" with the Code of this System of the Organism! Ribosomes of different System Codes never mix. They stay in "Their
Family, their House, in turn, and age, getting to know each other".
Names of Chiefs of the Houses of the Tribes of Israel - Expanded Explanation "The meaning of the 12 systems of the body", according to
the blessings Yacov in the book of Genesis.
In order to see the meaning in all the "Wanderings of the sons of Israel - Ribosomes" in the book "Numbers", we need to see the general plan
described by Atlantis, which is confirmed by separate parts of the plot text.