Concrete scientific meaning parts of text Numbers. 3.
Reviving the ancient manuscript of Atlantis.
Rule of movement of the sons of Israel - Law of synchronicity of action Gene and Ribosome for all of nature.
The movement of Jehovah and the sons of Israel - Synchronicity of movement Messenger RNA and Ribosomes.
2 types of Aharon signals - Potential and Impulse signals.
The role of Hovav son of Reuel for Moshe - Spatial Orientation as Transfer RNA.
The Conflict between Jehovah and sons of Israel – Replacement Messenger RNA to a new one.
70 elders, Prophecy of Eldad and Medad - 70 elders assistants to Moshe in managing the Polisom Ribos with qualities of prophets.
Quail Miracle. Graves of the Whimsy - The Formation of the Air Shell around the Polysome. Termination of access to Information Jehovah.
Scouts land of Canaan, the Miracle of the Grape – Beginning Description of "Prophases of the cell" as the division of the Genetic Material.
Description of the Genetic material of DNA chains of the Core, like Anaks and Giants. Earth Canaan, promised to the sons of Israel is the "Nucleus of the Cell".
Jehovah promises to Destroy the sons of Israel – Old Ribosome not work in the New cell, new ones are produced in the Nucleus.
Year 2 in the Sinai Desert - Pesach.
And Jehovah spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the first month of the second year, after the Exodus from the land of Egypt, saying: Let the children of Israel make Passover at its appointed time.