Concrete scientific meaning parts of text Numbers. 6.
Reviving the ancient manuscript of Atlantis.
The Numbering of the suns of Israel in Moav - The Numbering of the Ribos related to the "Energy Vital Activity of the Cell". Comparing the
numbering in Sinai with the numbering in Moav! Meaning of the Jordan River.
Daughters of Celafhad - "The Law of Inheritance by Ribosomes of Allotments in the Mitochondrial Matrix". All Matrix allotments must
have Ribosomal workers to produce ATP! Women's names in the Torah!
Consecration of Yehoshua son of Nun instead of Moshe - Moshe fulfilled his Role / Mission / in the cell. Final phase of action Cell.
Jehovah's Sacrifices - "List of Nutrients" are used to "Supply Mitochondria", to obtain "Energy Vital Activity of the Cell"!
Oaths - Have nothing to do with "Cell Description"!
The Capture of Midian - "Description of the management of Jehovah – Streams nutrients from the "Storage - Smooth EPR", into the
Mitochondria and Nucleus.
The allotments of Reuven and Gad - Description of the general structure of division "Nucleus - Canaan" between the 12 tribes of Israel. Where
are 10 tribes receive lands in "Canaan - Nucleus ", and 2 tribes of Reuven and Gad get lands in Protoplasm, on the other side of the
Yarden. This is a conditional "Return Ribosomes to the Nucleus" - the birthplace, which they do not reach!
End of Cell Description!
Counting in Moav.
And Jehovah spoke to Moses and Elazar the son of Aharon the priest, saying: Recount without exception, the entire community of the sons of Israel from the age of 20 and above all who enter the army of Israel.