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     Ideology, by my definition, is human fantasy, unrelated to the real world, leading to the degradation of the human person.

The ancient world lived according to the real laws of the world, was difficult for understanding of people, and therefore people all over the planet were looking for“Strong Patron”, in real life. The God, that created the world and lived in each creature was not clear to them, since he did not participate in the life of the people.

Therefore, the God was for people “Neither”, people simply did not perceive him. Therefore, the main people of all communities were Shamans and various Healers. For example, in ancient Egypt, the heads of communities and healers at the same time were Magicians from the Temples.

     The appearance of the Jewish Torah and the state, where Jewish people received the Egyptian Education has changed the situation all over the world. Because in the Torah was a concept of God, who created the world, and most importantly, God participates in people's lives. And as a consequence of this, "Religious Ideology" appeared.  Naturally, the absence of the "Visible existence of the real God” in human life, create a “Contradiction” between the text of “Sacred scrolls”, where God participates in the life of people, and between “Life itself”, where he not participates.