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Table of Mendeleev and system of 7 parts.

Having Formulated 7-parts system of description of the world, I was constantly occupied by check it in all spheres of our lifes, its expressions in concrete acting systems of our world. So naturally, that I want to check it on fundamental table physicists and chemistries of world, - Tables "Mendeleev-Bohr".     There was absolutely clear, that Whole table can’t be inserted in such system, since describes the interconnections for lifeless world. However we know, that part of elements tables of Mendeleev - Bohr, basically its most light elements, form whole world of Alive, and probably not by chance, but since have the characteristics allowing do this. So why these characteristics can not be a System characteristics, which and predestine their use in Alive systems?

The Difficulty of analysis the table was concluded in that, that whole world alive it is complex compositions of elements, this complex spatial interactions these complex compositions. From these complex compositions difficult to realize the purpose of separate concrete element, because sometimes these characteristics does not exist, but there is characteristics of associations or groups.