Yacov Ioffe

The red line between Humans and Cannibals.

     The red line between People and Cannibals was drawn by the "Atlanteans", or as they were called in all the first human civilizations, “Gods
from Heaven", who founded the first human civilizations on the planet. And since there were many “gods from heaven” for each individual
civilization: Egypt, Sumer, China, India and Japan. It is clear, that Atlanteans were “Human-like
creatures”. The knowledge transmitted to people
was an incredible
experience of the existence of “Man in the Universe”, with all its advantages and disadvantages. Where the most important
experience was a person’s
tendency towards “Violence and Aggression”, unacceptable for "Working communities of people". This red line was
the transfer to all first civilizations
the Law "Thou shalt not kill", along with other laws necessary for human society.